Pre-Planning Tool

What is the Pre-Planning Tool?

Without information about the population, healthcare providers cannot intervene rapidly enough to improve health outcomes. Understanding health determinants is IMSNY’s primary focus, and through our DABI Suite (Data Analytics Business Intelligence) our partners can improve the way services are delivered. The Pre-Planning Tool securely takes client information from many different sources, stores it in a data warehouse in an organized manner, and clearly presents it in a way that allows networks and agencies to make informed decisions.

How does it work?

Each source (EHR, HIE, etc.) has a different way of storing data. Our solution uses a process called “normalization” to take your data and structure it in a way that allows for organized storage and analysis. Each new source, or “feed,” requires a customized process. We are experts in this customization, and can work with your or your vendor to design a plan for you to get the most out of your data.

Data Connect

The Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) connector provides IPAs with the capabilities of processing large, disparate datasets in near real-time. Arcadia’s vendor-agnostic integration platform is built from years of EHR and claims data experience.

Master Patient Index

IPA’s have the capability of pulling data from multiple data sources and matching patients across different service settings. Arcadia’s proprietary MPI matches patients and members across data sources for a fully longitudinal patient view.

Data Warehouse

IPA’s can ingest data across a variety of service settings for their population. The warehouse stores rich claims, clinical datasets and SDoH factors in a simplified model that can be easily accessed. These data are built to be displayed in a Dashboard however the raw data is also available to be queried for ad-hoc analytics.

Calculation Engine

The calculation engine allows IPAs to assess their client population from all levels. This allows for rapid measure customization and can perform risk stratification to help agencies better serve their clients. This includes a library of measures and reports out-of-the-box, including ACO, MU, PCMH, CQM, HEDIS, PQRS, and others.

Dashboards and Apps

This includes a secure, user-friendly web application with role-based access to enable meaningful adoption across IPA’s and their agencies. The dashboard has a number of pre-built reports, measures, and apps to enable performance management, cost and utilization management, flexible Registry creation and sharing, care management, and patient outreach. Modules include performance, cost and utilization, patient management, patient outreach, care management, contract dashboards, and risk and HCC adjustment.

Clients in DABI, with actionable insights
Different types of data sources
Connections with Provider Agencies
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